

Italian, Chinese
+ Parallel Text English

English Language
+ All the components

3. Limited Edition Poster
Double-sided print
(50 Copies)

4. UV Business Card
with Early Telegram Access Code

In this bundle you will find:
    UV02 Dance & Bleed prototype, our 50% narrative engine 50% tabletop fighting game, with everything needed to play with a friend (postcards, clips, dice...);    
    UV01 La Fine del Mondo, a collection of poems and proses by 8 UV authors, in original language and parallel English translation. Every copy is sealed with band-aids; 
    Limited edition double-sided A3 poster;
    UV Business Card, with early telegram access code. 

I have written all this because I have thought that there might still be somewhere, possibly in literature or the arts, where something could be saved.
     I would call back at least for literature this world of shadows we are losing.
      In the mansion called literature I would have the eaves deep and the walls dark, I would push back into the shadows the things that come forward too clearly, I would strip away the useless decoration.  I do not ask that this be done everywhere, but perhaps we may be allowed at least one mansion where we can turn off the electric lights and see what it is like without them.»
(J. Tanizaki, In Praise of Shadows, 1933)

Italian, Chinese
+ Parallel Text English

Edited by Ruben Spini
Original texts by Federica Branchi, Costanza Candeloro, Flora Cappelletti, Carlo Carnevale, Alice Fiorelli, Giulia Fossati, Rada Koželj, He Sun

Presented at LOST Festival
Parma, 01.07.23

A collection of poems and proses by 8 UV authors, in original language and parallel English translation.
     Every copy is sealed with band-aids. Some of the authors involved have been part of Ultravioletto since its beginnings, on Flash Art Magazine, in 2018 - while some others are recent meetings. Childhood souvenirs, neuro-divergent experiences, painful memories. 
    Unseal it yourself or gift it to your most special friend.

« How to adjust into silences (solstices)
flickering - with no memory
your dramatic screams deep in the soul
your harmony ripping through the sky
I defile loculi
You are transparent, Jerusalem
I leave drool on my path »
(Giulia Fossati)

English Language

Book (rules & setting)
+ 10 Postcards
+ 5 Dice
+ 10 Clips
+ 2 Miniature bases

Written by Ruben Spini
Art by Clara Carrozzo

Presented at Sprint Book Fair
Milan, 25.11.23

Dance & Bleed is 50% narrative engine, 50% tabletop fighting game. 
    With a single physical copy of the game, you have everything you need to create two characters (“Animulae”, i.e. young souls) and make them fight in whatever real life space you want: an abandoned playground, your office while faking after hours work, your bff’s messy room. 
    Creating beautiful stories through your character’s moves and decisions is way more important than winning: the rules are only there as a fuel to your own make believe.
    In the book you will find an introduction to the Dance & Bleed setting, a complete explanation of the rules of this game, and a description of every equipment available to your character.

« They forgot you. It didn’t take long.
Your whole identity vanishes, day after day.
They call it Full Qualia Dissolution.
Sounds pretty cool, I know.
Almost desirable.
   We offer you an alternative ending.
On the frozen rivers of Purgatory, young souls like you are shaping their destiny, one jump at a time.
Reverse Euler. Triple toe loop. Nebulosa Quantum Somersault.
   Your revolution will be televised. Your elegance will become leverage for Heaven’s attention economy.
Their prayers will keep you alive.
It’s not too late to Dance & Bleed. »

Writing practices beyond the visible spectrum.